About me
I’m a researcher in Fredrik Ronquist Lab at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. I work within Insect Biome Atlas project – a massive effort to collect and describe insect communities in Sweden and Madagascar. My work involves metabarcoding as well as individual insect barcoding and development of insect abundance quantification methods.
I earned my PhD at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology (Germany) working with Arne W. Nolte and Professor Diethard Tautz. It focused on hybrid speciation and local adaptation.
I did my master studies in Oceanography and Marine Environment at the Sorbonne University (Paris VI, France).
Before that, I studied Biology and Psychology at the University of Warsaw (Poland) and Oceanography with French at the University of Southampton (UK).
Outside of research I have a passion for science outreach and bio-hacking. Read about it here!